GBHS Lions Head Hospital, Lion's Head

Name :

GBHS Lions Head Hospital, Lion's Head

Address  :

22 Moore Street

Town  :

Lions Head

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

N0H 1W0

Phone  :

519 793 3424

Web URL  :


GBHS Lions Head Hospital
In Lions Head there are six beds for inpatient care This hospital also has very high seasonal volume in its emergency department and is a health care lifeline for residents and visitors to the Bruce Peninsula

An adjacent physician office building opened in 2001 so that the four family physicians who staff the hospital can see their patients for office visits and be readily available in the case of emergencies in the hospital Twentyfive GBHS staff work at this hospital
Transplanting lungs from smokers worthwhile

Lung transplant patients who receive the organs from smokers have better chances of survival than those who stay on waiting lists a British study suggests Nearly 40 per cent of the lungs that are available for transplant including those in Canada are from smokers Rejection of this donororgan resource would increase waitinglist mortality and i... Read More

Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

Aaron DeOliveira points us to an interesting documentary and related series of articles about a hospital in Bangalore India called Narayana Hrudayalaya which is providing top notch medical services to all comers and still making a profit in doing so The trick appears to be a variation on the basic concepts of the quotfreemiumquot model where you pa... Read More