Galiano Health Care Centre

Name :

Galiano Health Care Centre

Address  :

908 Burrill Road

Town  :

Galiano Island

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V0N 1P0

Phone  :

250 539 3230

Fax  :

250 539 3238

Web URL  :

Galiano Health Care Centre


Mission Statement
The mission of the GHCS is to promote the health the prevention of illness and the wellbeing of the Galiano Island community in response to expressed community need


On January 101985 the Galiano Health Care Society was created and incorporated as a nonprofit society The fivemember executive had a clear vision with a mission to find and purchase land and construct the Finest Health Care Centre in the Gulf Islands

The dream began to come true with the purchase of the Bellhouse field from the Lions Club at a reasonable cost The CRD provided sufficient funds to enable the Society to purchase this land The Island Trust made the necessary changes to the zoning regulations Other funds came in the form of grants from the Provincial Government Galiano residents can be very proud of achieving their goal of raising 265000 between 1989 and 1990 for the construction of a fine Health Care Centre for their island

Since then the operating costs of the centre are paid for by the members of Galiano Health Care Society through fundraising campaigns and generous donations from residents and visitors to Galiano Island

A Proud History
Sharing and Collectivity

Before the Health Care Society and the current Health Care Center existed the residents of this island relied almost exclusively on one woman for health care registered nurse Elisabeth Stewart

In the 1950s and 60s although we had some parttime visiting doctors Betty Scoones as she was known by locals was who you went to for medical assistance of any kind The community remembers her generous assistance to people in need

In 1984 some concerned residents decided to band together and form a nonprofit health care society to provide more stable and accessible health care for Galiano In 1985 the Galiano Health Care Society was registered and work began on securing funding and a site In 1990 the Lions secured 10 acres from the Farmhouse Inn and after considerable effort and work with both the CRD and the Islands Trust the 2 acres that now house the Health Care Centre were rezoned and building could begin The centre officially opened its doors on April 271991

This community is forever appreciative of the vision demonstrated by our pioneers in creating this Society which gave access to professional medical care and continues to provide stateof theart medical care and health related programs to residents
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