Fundy Health Centre

Name :

Fundy Health Centre

Address  :

34 Hospital Street

Town  :

Blacks Harbour

State  :

New Brunswick

Country  :


Post Code:

E5H 1K2

Phone  :

506 456 4200

Web URL  :

Fundy Health Centre


Fundy Health Centre provides primary care services including outpatient care to the residents of Eastern Charlotte County Located adjacent to the Fundy Nursing Home the Fundy Health Centre provides services from 800 am to 800 pm seven days per week Two Nurse Practitioners as well as basic diagnostic and rehabilitation services are available on site Visiting specialists and other health professionals provide clinics on a regular basis
CBCs dirty hospital report sparks changes

A CBC investigation into unsanitary conditions at the nations hospitals has sparked a change in policy by Canadas biggest health authority and a flood of email messages from concerned viewers With hidden cameras including Canadas first hidden camera glowgel test the consumer show Marketplace visited several hospitals in Ontario and British Colum... Read More

Hospitals are not like a McDonalds chain

It is not easy to standardise processes in the corporate hospital setup says Mr S Premkumar Group CEO Apollo HospitalsIt requires tremendous investment and years of experience he says More from Mr Premkumar on the broad trends driving the industry There is a crying need for healthcare especially private players But there are only two national hosp... Read More