Foothills Medical Centre

Name :

Foothills Medical Centre

Address  :

1403 29 Street NW

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T2N 2T9

Phone  :

403 944 1110

Fax  :

403 944 2400

Web URL  :

Foothills Medical Centre
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Angiography.
  • Bone marrow
  • Cardiology
  • Dentistry
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Hematologist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Mammography(Digital)
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatrist
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 46


Foothills Medical Centre FMC is the largest hospital in Alberta Canada and is located in the City of Calgary It is one of Canadas most recognized medical facilities and is one of the leading hospitals in Alberta providing advanced healthcare services to over half a million people from Southern Alberta Southeastern British Columbia and Southern Saskatchewan

The main building of the hospital was opened in June of 1966 It was originally named Foothills Provincial General Hospital and later known simply as Foothills Hospital With the addition of other medical facilities it became known by its present name

The Foothills Medical Centre is an accredited tertiary trauma centre by the Trauma Association of Canada and is the largest regional trauma centre in Southern Alberta2 The FMC works in conjunction with the nearby University of Calgary for the purposes of educating students as well as providing facilities for medical research It is physically attached to the University of Calgary Medical Centre UCMC as well as the Special Services Building where most other medical services are provided and the Tom Baker Cancer Centre which was renamed the quotCancer Centrequot and is the leading centre in Alberta for cancer treatment and research 3 The large site also includes the Grace Womens Health Centre The Health Sciences Association of Alberta as well as both the North Tower and South Tower which offer many outpatient services Two new towers were also added to the Health Sciences building which were both completed in late 2005

The neighboring Alberta Childrens Hospital and west side of the University of Calgary campus are accessible from the FMC via the West Campus Blvd bridge spanning over 16th Avenue Trans Canada Highway Additionally the head office of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta is housed on the 8th floor of the Foothills Medical Centre Apart from these distinctions FMC boasts the worlds first and most powerful movable MRI machine which was introduced in January 2009 It will help patients at the Foothills Medical Centre FMC receive the worlds safest most accurate surgery possible 4

Currently the hospital is undergoing a large expansion with the addition of the new McCaig Tower which is scheduled for completion in early 2010 This new addition will include 93 inpatient beds 36 bed Intensive Care unit 21 shortstay beds a total of 150 additional beds as well as 8 operating rooms 5 Major renovations to the emergency department are planned and is expected to commence when the new tower is completed

In addition to a 24hour emergency room and inpatient care FMC has 57 outpatient clinics on site This facility provides comprehensive and specialized medical and surgical services to Calgary and southern Alberta

22 Bed Intensive Care Unit amp 24 Bed Cardiac Care Unit
Trauma Centre for Southern Alberta
18 Operating Theatres including a specially designated Trauma Operating Room
High Risk Maternity amp Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
PARTY Program Prevent Alcohol amp Risk Related Trauma in Youth Program for Grade 9 secondary school students
PADIS poison amp drug information
SARP Southern Alberta Renal Program
Intraoperative MR Magnetic Resonance System first of its kind in the world located in the Seamans Family MR Research Centre
Stephenson Cardiac MR Centre the leading Cardiac Magnetic Resonance facility in Canada as measured by number of peerreviewed articles published and part of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta
Multiple Transplantation such as kidney pancreas corneal and tissue transplants
HOPE Program Human Organ Procurement and Exchange
University of Calgary Medical Clinic UCMC clinics



Provincial and territorial hospital insurance plans Prime Minister of Canada declares federal grants are available to provincial hospitalcare projects 50 cents on the dollar financing from Ottawa6

Main building completed Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada7
First school of nursing class begins study Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada

February Main Hospital Phase II complete Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada
April First outpatients and glaucoma laboratory Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada
June Foothills Hospital opens Calgary AB Canada8
During opening year quotPatient Carequot booklet describes new hospital
quotLargest completely new hospital of its kind constructed in North America 765000 square feet 71100 m2 of floor space 2000 rooms Patient capacity 766 beds 116 bassinettes 15 day care beds Staff when the hospital is in full operation 12001500 Cost 21000000 for construction of hospital School of Nursing and Power Plant 5000000 for initial equipment Tshaped hospital building 12 storeys plus basement The crosspiece of the T includes all nursing units The back wing or stem of the T includes all clinical and other service departments and is 10 storeys high A 100 bed auxiliary hospital is planned for later construction on site also a 370 bed psychiatric hospital which will be operated under separate administration Capital financing for construction was by the usual Federal Provincial grants plus a 17 million debenture issue to be retired by the Provincial Government over a 20 year period Operation costs will be met by the standard per diem payments made under Alberta Hospitalization Benefits Complete hospital control is vested in the board of Managementquot8
Pathology labs medical laboratory begins using advanced equipment to provide a complete pathology service Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada
Residence for 329 nursing students is linked as teaching hospital support of Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada
Planning continues for 100bed auxiliary hospital and 370 beds for psychiatric patients Foothills Hospital Calgary AB Canada
1966 to 2007 and beyond
Hospital expands largest hospital of the province of AB to be Foothills Medical Centre Calgary AB Canada

November New 14bed inpatient stroke unit Unit 100 Foothills Medical Centre9

October 19 Calgary Health Region news release Region names new tower of C17 billion expansion for Foothills Medical Centre after wellknown local philanthropist JR Bud McCaig Tower 1year after death of founder of Alberta Bone amp Joint Health Institute10

C460M 8storey tower JR Bud McCaig Tower Foothills Medical Centre Calgary AB Canada
Hospitals turn to Internet to fight emergency room wait times

Patients who log on to the website for Calgarys hospitals are offered a surprising choice these days wait times for four emergency departments across the city posted automatically 247 in real time A hospital in the Southern Ontario city of Kitchener has just become the first in that province to launch its own enhanced version of the same idea am... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More