Finnish Manor

Name :

Finnish Manor

Address  :

3460 Kalyk Ave

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V5G 3B2

Phone  :

604 434 2666

Fax  :

604 439 7448

Web URL  :

Finnish Manor
  • Dentistry
  • Podiatry
  • X-Ray

Total Number Of Beds : 60

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Welcome to Finnish Manor
This booklet has been developed as an informational resource for prospective and new residents at Finnish Manor Finnish Manor is a nonprofit 60bed intermediate care facility which is owned and operated by the Finnish Canadian Rest Home Association and serves the Lower Mainland Region However applications for admission are not restricted to this area applications from throughout BC are accepted Finnish Manor is a Service Provider within the Provincial Continuing Care Program As such the cost of an individuals care is subsidized from the provincial health budget Government also controls the charge to residents and each person admitted to our facility must first be assessed at an intermediate care level by the Continuing Care department We are licensed under the Community Care Facilities Act The Licensing Division of the Health Department monitors compliance with the Act and Regulations
Progress cutting hospital wait times has stalled

TORONTO Progress towards cutting the time Canadians have to wait to get critical operations and health procedures has stalled a new update on the waittimes initiative suggests Though there were early gains after provinces committed themselves to attacking wait times in 2004 there has been little progress since 2009 said Jeremy Veillard vice pre... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More