Extendicare - Cedars Villa

Name :

Extendicare Cedars Villa

Address  :

3330 - 8th Ave. S.W

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T3C 0E7

Phone  :

403 249 8915

Fax  :

403 246 7561

Web URL  :

Branch Of : Extendicare - Athabasca
Associated Hospitals

Surgery robot introduced at Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital is welcoming the newest member of its surgical staff a robot that lets doctors remove mens prostates and repair faulty heart valves The hospital has already used the da Vinci Surgical System on 100 patients but only officially welcomed the robot on Friday quotWeve had great success with helping 100 prostate cancer and gyne... Read More

astrotech india test article

Astrotech India provides topclass web based solutions leveraging technology delivered by highly skilled people We do business with an open eye continuously measuring and evaluating the consequences and impact of our actions We strive to achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness honesty and courtesy towards our clients employees and vend... Read More