Extendicare - Bonnyville

Name :

Extendicare - Bonnyville

Address  :

4602 - 47th Avenue
Box 1080

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T9N 2E8

Phone  :

780 826 3341

Fax  :

780 826 4890

Web URL  :


Situated in the energy sector of northeastern Alberta Extendicare Bonnyville is a regionally accredited 50bed nonsmoking singlelevel home We take pride in offering superior care to our residents providing 24hour nursing and supportive care as well as inhouse rehabilitation services We strive for excellence in all we do

Our home is well respected in the community as a place where residents receive quality care in a homelike environment We are known for being residentfocused and receive community recognition for our approach in caring for residents with dementia Our Sunshine Wing provides specialized care for residents suffering from Alzheimers disease and we support this special programming through the Alzheimer Societies of Alberta and Canada

We are well respected for being a team player both in the community and the region working together with regional management teams accreditation groups strategic planning committees and others to improve continuing care services in our region

We invite you to visit and experience Extendicare Bonnyville where residents Age with Grace and Age in Place


1968 Business incorporated with a federal charter under the name Pendexcare Ltd to operate as a supplier of longterm care services in Canada with an aim of helping to relieve an overburdened hospital system

1968 Pendexcare changes its name to Extendicare Canada Ltd near the end of the year

1969 Extendicare purchases its first nursing home in Ottawa Ontario and begins construction on four facilities in the province

1974 Extendicare Canada Ltd changes its name to Extendicare Ltd

1975 Extendicare launches ParaMed Home Health Care now one of Canadas largest home care providers

1976 Extendicare expands into the United States with the acquisition of Medco Centers Inc a nursing home operator with 25 locations in Indiana and Kentucky

1980 Extendicare expands into financial insurance and other services through the acquisition of interest in Crown Life Insurance Company

1983 Extendicare Ltd changes its name to Crownx Inc

1994 Crownx Inc embarks on a fiveyear construction program to diversify its US operations by building assisted living facilities on sites adjacent to its existing nursing facilities to create a campusstyle approach to delivering senior care Over the next five years the number of assisted living facilities in operation increases to 45

1996 Crownx Inc changes its name to Extendicare Inc

1997 Extendicare refocuses on its longterm care businesses and announces intention to sell its 322 equity interest in Crown Life entered into sale agreement in 1998 that closed in 2007 and also sells other noncore assets

1997 Extendicare acquires Arbor Health Care Company an operator of 31 nursing facilities in five US states also with an institutional pharmacy business and outpatient rehabilitation clinics in two states The pharmacy business is subsequently sold

2001 Extendicare is awarded licenses to construct 11 new facilities plus an additional five facilities through partnerships with public sector hospitals as part of a strategic decision by the Province of Ontario to significantly increase nursing home beds in the province

2005 Extendicare acquires Assisted Living Concepts Inc ALC which adds 177 assisted living facilities in the United States

2006 Extendicare completes a Plan of Arrangement the Arrangement that results in Extendicare being converted to a Canadian real estate investment trust Extendicare Real Estate Investments Trust Extendicare REIT As part of the Arrangement ALC is distributed to Extendicare REIT unitholders with its shares symbol ALC listed on the New York Stock Exchange Through its subsidiary operating entities Extendicare REIT owns and continues to operate the US and Canadian nursing home businesses a smaller number of assisted living homes and related businesses of Extendicare and holds Extendicares investment in Crown Life the sale of which had been pending since 1997

2007 In July Extendicare completes the sale of an approximate 35 equity interest in Crown Life

2007 In October Extendicare acquires Tendercare Michigan Inc and related entities adding 30 senior care facilities involving approximately 3300 beds and two development projects in the State of Michigan to its US portfolio
Progress cutting hospital wait times has stalled

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