Eden Mental Health Centre


Name :

Eden Mental Health Centre

Address  :

1500 Pembina Ave

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R6W 1T4

Phone  :

204 325 4325

Fax  :

204 325 8429

Web URL  :


In response to the need for improved mental health services in southern Manitoba an initiative was launched by representatives of Manitoba Mennonite churches to establish a centre for the treatment of persons struggling with mental illness Their efforts begun in 1957 and supported by the Province of Manitoba came to fruition in 1967 with the official opening of Eden Mental Health Centre a facility designed for the provision of both community mental health and inpatient treatment services

Subsequent to the development of several related programs and adjustment to organizational structure Eden Mental Health Centre is now an arm of Eden Health Care Services and affiliated with the Linden Place community residence program Enns Court East and Enns Court West supportive housing complex the Segue Career Options vocational training program Recovery of Hope counseling service and the Eden East housing and supportive services in Steinbach The Eden Foundation engages in fundraising and program development activity in order to enhance existing services
Moms weight not blood sugar levels may lead to birth of large baby

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Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

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