Eden Health Care Services


Name :

Eden Health Care Services

Address  :

Box 129
309 Main Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R6W 4A4

Phone  :

204 325 5355

Fax  :

204 325 8742

Web URL  :

Email  :


Our Vision People of faith actively engaged in sharing Christs hope and healing wherever mental health needs are found

Our Mission To act on behalf of and in cooperation with Mennonite Anabaptist faith communities in Manitoba

identifying mental health needs wherever the Church has an active presence
coordinating appropriate responses to those needs
challenging engaging and informing the Church and society on mental health concerns
embodying Christs promise of healing and hope for Manitobans with mental health concerns

Our Values Caring for the dignity of the whole person

Hope for all especially for the marginalized
Biblical understanding of stewardship accountability excellence within our means professionalism

These values are to influence Eden Health Care Services in

In the choices we make
In the agreements we negotiate
In the relationships we develop with patients clients family staff and other organizations
In evaluating our programs
In advocating for those we serve
New hospital planned for Diefenbaker Drive

The planned site for the citys new regional hospital was announced from the sixth floor solarium of the aging Moose Jaw Union Hospital on Friday afternoon The new facility expected to be completed in 2015 will be constructed on a 30acre site in Moose Jaws north end along Diefenbaker Drive just south of the TransCanada Highway Representatives from... Read More

Weight loss pills are no good

WASHINGTON Weight loss supplements are not really effective in helping you shed weight and may have unpleasant or serious sideeffects Melinda Manore from Oregon State University reviewing evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements concluded that no single product results in significant weight loss and many have sideeffects What peopl... Read More