Eastern Health

Name :

Eastern Health

Address  :

Waterford Bridge Road

Town  :

St Johns

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

A1E 4J8

Phone  :

709 777 7777 Ext. 12

Fax  :

709 777 1303

Web URL  :


Eastern Health is the largest integrated health authority in Newfoundland and Labrador with 12000 dedicated employees serving a regional population of more than 293790 We offer the full continuum of health and community services including public health longterm care community services hospital care and unique provincial programs and services

Provincial Responsibility
In addition to its regional responsibilities Eastern Health has provincial responsibility for providing tertiary or high level health services These services are offered through the organizations academic healthcare facilities and through provincial initiatives such as the Provincial Genetics and Provincial Perinatal Programs Eastern Health joins with many partners to educate the next generation of health providers and to create new knowledge through research and other activities

Donate Time and Money
Throughout the organization over 3200 volunteers donate their time talent and funds for the betterment of health care in their communities Auxiliaries and foundations are an integral part of Eastern Health and they contribute thousands of hours each year and raise significant funds for our health care facilities Auxiliaries are associated with most of Eastern Healths facilities These groups provide direct services and help to raise funds that are used for critical equipment


Healthy People Healthy Communities

Our vision is rooted in the recognition that as an organization we must focus upon both individual and community approaches to health Healthy communities enhance our prospect for individual health and when individuals are healthy communities are healthy Eastern Health is committed to working with our partners towards our vision of Healthy People Healthy Communities


By March 31 2011 Eastern Health will provide health and community services along an integrated continuum within both its regional and provincial mandates and available resources to improve the health of people and communities


Recognizing celebrating and valuing the uniqueness of each patientclientresident employee discipline workplace and community that together are Eastern Health

Valuing and facilitating honesty and open communication across employee groups and communities as well as with patientsclientsresidents of Eastern Health

Valuing and facilitating equity and justice in the allocation of our resources

Recognizing and celebrating the strength of each part both within and beyond the structure that creates the whole of Eastern Health

Valuing and promoting the pursuit of excellence in Eastern Health
Moms weight not blood sugar levels may lead to birth of large baby

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Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More