Diabetes Health Thunder Bay


Name :

Diabetes Health Thunder Bay

Address  :

285-A Memorial Avenue

Town  :

Thunder Bay

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

P7B 6H4

Phone  :

807 344 3505

Fax  :

807 346 8006

Web URL  :

Email  :


In 1884 the Sisters of St Joseph of Sault Ste Marie opened the first hospital in Port Arthur to meet the needs of the men working on the railroad Since then St Josephs Care Group SJCG has responded to the unmet needs of the community by changing over time and delivering new and innovative programs

Programs and services are provided throughout the community and at 9 different sites including Balmoral Centre Behavioural Sciences Centre Diabetes Health Thunder Bay Hogarth Riverview Manor Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital Sister Margaret Smith Centre St Josephs Health Centre St Josephs Heritage and St Josephs Hospital

These facilities are operated by the Sisters of St Joseph of Sault Ste Marie sponsored by the Catholic Health Corporation of Ontario and managed by a local volunteer Board of Directors

St Josephs Care Groups broad program areas are Physical Rehabilitation amp Complex Care Mental Health amp Addiction Services and LongTerm Care Services SJCG has approximately 1700 employees 400 volunteers and an annual operating budget of 125 Million Canadian

To quote the quotCommunication amp Advocacyquot priority of our Strategic Plan we will
Define and communicate the unique characteristics of a Catholic organization for our clients partners staff and volunteers Celebrate and communicate the unique stories and history of each of SJCGs programs and sites Identify and pursue opportunities to enhance and highlight SJCGs corporate citizenship

Initiate a communications strategy focused on the public healthcare partners staff and volunteers
Reducing hospital errors would save lives money advocates

The number of people affected by mistakes in Canadas hospitals every week could fill three passenger jet planes says the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital unions And if three jumbo jets were crashing every week would the government act to stop it Michael Hurley asked We think they would Hurley was joined at a news conference this w... Read More

Hospitals eye halal certification to attract patients from Middle East

There are two things that worry almost every patient from Islamic countries who come to Indian hospitals the meat they eat and the direction of Mecca With more than 75 of the medical tourists being from the Middle East hospitals are eyeing halal certification to make them feel at home On Monday Chennaibased Global Health City said it has became... Read More