DeTar Healthcare System, Navarro

Name :

DeTar Healthcare System, Navarro

Address  :

506 E. San Antonio St

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

361 575 7441

Web URL  :


Our Mission amp Vision
To meet the unique needs of each patient by providing quality medical services and to care for our community through the teamwork of families doctors employees and volunteers

In pursuit of our mission we believe the following value statements are essential and timeless

We recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic worth of each individual We treat all those we serve with compassion and kindness

We act with absolute honesty integrity and fairness in the way we conduct our business and the way we live our lives

We trust our colleagues as valuable members of our healthcare team and pledge to treat one another with loyalty respect and dignity

Doctors troubled by rise in lung cancer in nonsmokers

Lung cancer remains the single biggest cause of cancer death in Canada accounting for a staggering quarter of all cancer deaths About 85 per cent of those cases can be chalked up to smoking But doctors are noticing a troubling phenomenon that they cant yet fully explain women are dying of lung cancerand more of them have never smoked Faith Cr... Read More

Support Groups A Lifeline for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimers Disease

quotIt was like opening the door to a sunlit roomquot says a member of Phyllis Dycks support group recalling the first time she attended a meeting for people in the early stages of Alzheimers disease Never before had she been with other people who understood what it was like to live with the disease Caregiver support groups have been around for ... Read More