Delta View Habilitation Centre

Name :

Delta View Habilitation Centre

Address  :

9341 Burns Drive

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V4K 3N3

Phone  :

604 596 8842

Fax  :

604 596 8858

Web URL  :


Delta View Habilitation Centre DVH is an 80 bed residential care facility located in the serene farmlands of East Delta Resident rooms are decorated with warm colors pictorials and matching wallpaper borders There are 2 homes consisting of 40 beds Each can be further subdivided into 2 20 bed neighborhoods Each room has a fine view of the surrounding landscaping and is accessible by large bright continuous hallways with easy access to multiple homelike lounges and seating areas and a quiet room Design features of the facility include continuous hallways forming a diamond which allows residents to wander freely and without restrictions Facility also features murals and motifs that calm and soothe the resident which disguising normal institutional nuances that may over stimulate the resident and impact their wellbeing Within the campus facility users have access to educational facilities wellness and rehab centers a spiritual center a home theatre conference facilities billiards room outdoor courtyards and decks a coffee shop as well as an environmental park gazebo and therapeutic gardens Delta View is world renowned for providing restraint free dementia care
St Lukes rated among worlds most beautiful hospitals

Its a patients nightmare Confined to a hospital inhabited by people with the worst health conditions one can ever imagine he becomes witness to a larger metaphor of a malignant diseasethe depressing sight and grueling routine in a cold strained setting This is on top of the patients infirmity that makes him confront his own mortality Despite this... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More