David Thompson Health Region

Name :

David Thompson Health Region

Address  :

43 Michener Bend

Town  :

Red Deer

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T4P 0H6

Phone  :

403 341 8622

Fax  :

403 341 8632

Web URL  :

Branch Of : Alberta Health Services
Associated Hospitals

A hidden architecture Researchers use novel methods to uncover gene mutations for common diseases

BOSTON MAHuman geneticists have long debated whether the genetic risk of the most common medical conditions derive from many rare mutations each conferring a high degree of risk in different people or common differences throughout the genome that modestly influence risk A new study by Brigham and Womens Hospital BWH researchers has harnessed dat... Read More

Solution to hospital problem

Sudburys Health Science North HSN like many other hospitals in Canada is in crisis Recent Emergency room wait times are 19 hours long 4th worse in Ontario As a tertiary health centre the people of Manitoulin depend on this regional hospital to support our local hospitals and staff The HSN staff is frustrated The patients are abandoned in hallwa... Read More