Children's Mental Health Centre


Name :

Children's Mental Health Centre

Address  :

10024 116 ST

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T5K 1V6

Phone  :

780 488 3737

Fax  :

780 488 3755

Web URL  :

  • Psychiatrist

Total Number Of Beds : 25


In these days of rising health costs and scarce professionals it is especially important to use all the resources at our disposal to help our children One of the greatest unused resources of help are the parents of the children who have had or have emotional or behavioral problems

This Website has 3 functions

i To enable parents to dialogue and provide support and assistance directly to each other on a number of health topics concerning their children

ii To have access to information from our experts who include Psychiatrists Psychologists Educators and other health care professionals

iii To encourage teens to have discussions with their peer group
A hidden architecture Researchers use novel methods to uncover gene mutations for common diseases

BOSTON MAHuman geneticists have long debated whether the genetic risk of the most common medical conditions derive from many rare mutations each conferring a high degree of risk in different people or common differences throughout the genome that modestly influence risk A new study by Brigham and Womens Hospital BWH researchers has harnessed dat... Read More

The Lean Hospital

More facilities using Toyota methods to improve every step of care from inventory to discharge by Carol Berczuk What does being lean have to do with operating a hospital Well when youre talking about the lean method known as the Toyota Production System it just may be what puts hospitals back in the drivers seat of their bottom lines Six y... Read More