Charlotte County Hospital

Name :

Charlotte County Hospital

Address  :

4 Garden Street

Town  :

St Stephen

State  :

New Brunswick

Country  :


Post Code:

E3L 2L9

Phone  :

506 465 4444

Web URL  :

Charlotte County Hospital


The Charlotte County Hospital a 44bed facility located in St Stephen is equipped to provide many emergency ambulatory diagnostic and rehabilitative services

Inpatient services include family medicine surgery restorative health and palliative care A 4bed concentrated care unit follows not only cardiac patients but any patient needing constant supervision and advanced medical care Oncology outreach services allow patients to receive second and subsequent chemotherapy treatments in their own community Outpatient services include the Sexual Health clinic Cardiac Risk clinic Healthy Lung clinic Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory Services In fact 550 to 600 people present to these clinics every month

Additional outpatientrehabilitative services include physiotherapy speechlanguage pathology respiratory therapy occupational therapy adult and youth addiction counseling diabetic education and a clinical dietitian on staff Charlotte County residents are served by a 24hour emergency service
Hospital performance is all over the map

Its long been a truism of the Canadian health care system that where you live determines the kind of care you receive Large hospitals in growing urban centres tend to have more resources and equipment than smaller rural hospitals with remote and ageing populations But a new project tracking the performance of the most of the countrys hospitals ... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More