Charles S. Curtis Memorial Hospital

Name :

Charles S. Curtis Memorial Hospital

Address  :

178-200 West St

Town  :

St Anthony

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

A0K 4S0

Phone  :

709 454 3333

Web URL  :


Located in St Anthony the Charles S Curtis Memorial Hospital is a 50bed facility that provides acute care and community health services for the people of the Northern Peninsula and Labrador and consultant medical services to residents of the Quebec Lower North Shore
Kelownaarea First Nation plans hightech private hospital on band land

KELOWNA BC A British Columbia aboriginal band has plans to build a stateoftheart private hospital on its land overlooking Okanagan Lake just a stones throw from Kelowna BC Band Chief Robert Louie said in an interview with CHBC television that selfgovernment gives his band the right to build the hospital without provincial interference quotWell w... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More