Centre Hospitalier des Vallees de l~ Outaouais - Pavillion de Hull


Name :

Centre Hospitalier des Vallees de l~ Outaouais - Pavillion de Hull

Address  :

116 Boulevard Lionel-Emond

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

J8Y 1W7

Phone  :

819 966 6200

Web URL  :

Not Available
Progress cutting hospital wait times has stalled

TORONTO Progress towards cutting the time Canadians have to wait to get critical operations and health procedures has stalled a new update on the waittimes initiative suggests Though there were early gains after provinces committed themselves to attacking wait times in 2004 there has been little progress since 2009 said Jeremy Veillard vice pre... Read More

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Limb Saving Treatment Times Two Good Samaritan Hospital patients now have alternatives to the treatment of a painful condition known as peripheral vascular disease PVD This condition refers to the diseases of the blood vessels outside of the heart This involves the narrowing of the vessels that carry blood into the legs arms stomach kidneys and br... Read More