Centre Hospitalier de Matane


Name :

Centre Hospitalier de Matane

Address  :

333 rue Thibault

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

G4W 2W5

Phone  :

418 562 3135

Fax  :

418 562 9374

Web URL  :

Not Available
Reducing hospital errors would save lives money advocates

The number of people affected by mistakes in Canadas hospitals every week could fill three passenger jet planes says the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital unions And if three jumbo jets were crashing every week would the government act to stop it Michael Hurley asked We think they would Hurley was joined at a news conference this w... Read More

How To Get A Good Nights Sleep

Do you remember when you were little and it seemed as though sleep overcame you as soon as your head hit your pillow And you slumbered through the night until morning time They call it the sleep of the innocent but dont you wish you could sleep like that again Adult responsibilities stress lifestyle and other worries often result in poor sleep h... Read More