Centre de santé des Nord-Côtiers


Name :

Centre de santé des Nord-Côtiers

Address  :

rue de l~Hopital
C.P. 1000

Town  :

Les Escoumins

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

G0T 1K0

Phone  :

418 233 2931

Fax  :

418 233 2608

Web URL  :

Not Available
CBCs dirty hospital report sparks changes

A CBC investigation into unsanitary conditions at the nations hospitals has sparked a change in policy by Canadas biggest health authority and a flood of email messages from concerned viewers With hidden cameras including Canadas first hidden camera glowgel test the consumer show Marketplace visited several hospitals in Ontario and British Colum... Read More

Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

Baba Ramdevs trusts selling Ayurvedic medicines in India and abroad are now in the eye of a storm The IncomeTax Department has slapped them with a tax bill of Rs 58 crore for the assessment year 200910 on the ground that these activities are commercial in nature Most noncorporate hospitals outside the government sector are constituted as public ... Read More