Central Northeast Health Foundation


Name :

Central Northeast Health Foundation

Address  :

P.O. Box 222

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

A1V 1W6

Phone  :

709 256 5742

Fax  :

709 256 4350

Web URL  :


Central Northeast Health Foundation is a registered charity which serves individuals living throughout the central northeast region of the island of Newfoundland The Central Northeast Health Foundation raises funds to ensure the best possible health programs and services are available for patients residents and clients who live throughout our region and are served by the Central Regional Health Authority

Since 1989 with the help of donors our Foundation has raised over 65 million for the health of our communities

Mission Statement
The Central Northeast Health Foundation enhances the quality of life in the communities it serves through the provision of innovative equipment tools and technologies that promote the best possible health and wellness

Vision Statement
We will inspire people to partner in achieving the highest quality health for individuals and communities


In 1989 the Gander and District Hospital Board formed a Fund Development Committee originally operating under the name of the Gander amp District Health Foundation and now known as the Central Northeast Health Foundation to assist with the pressing need to raise funds for the purchase of medical and medicallyrelated equipment for healthcare facilities within the central northeast region of Newfoundland Until 1995 the Foundation operated as a subcommittee of the Central East Health Care Institutions Board

With the regionalization of health boards across Newfoundland amp Labrador which began in 2004 our Foundation began the process of becoming a stand alone charitable organization After over 15 years of operations our Foundation was incorporated on January 19 2005 In April 2005 the Central Northeast Health Foundation was assigned its own charitable registration number

Our Foundation Board raises funds through major gifts payroll deductions staff lotteries ticket sales grant writing special events third party special events inmemoriam giving bequests sponsorships and general donations
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