Central City Lodge

Name :

Central City Lodge

Address  :

415 W. Pender St

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V6B 1V2

Phone  :

604 681 9111

Fax  :

604 681 5546

Web URL  :

Email  :


About City Centre Care Society
City Centre Care Society provides complex care services addiction programs and seniors assisted living services in two downtown Vancouver locations The Society operates two residences Central City Lodge in downtown Vancouver and Cooper Place

Our website provides information about the programs at each facility If you have any questions about City Centre Care Society or any of its programs please do not hesitate to call or email us We would also be happy to assist you with further information

Our Mission
City Centre Care Society is dedicated to providing quality residential health care with dignity compassion and respect for adults

The mission is founded upon the following values

We recognize all people as unique individuals

We provide an environment that is sensitive to ethnic cultural and social diversity

We foster a state of wellness for our community through support and cooperation with other organizations

We achieve excellence through learning and continuous improvement recognizing that staff and volunteers are our most valuable assets

We will continue to assess the needs of our community and provide appropriate services for our changing health care environment We will promote relationships with other providers to facilitate our contribution to communitywide planning and priority setting of programs and services


Our History
City Centre Care Society and its predecessor Central City Mission Society have provided care to the marginalized of Vancouver since 1907 City Centre Care Society was incorporated in 1997 to amalgamate Central City Lodge and Cooper Place The Lodge started operations in 1910 as Central City Mission Cooper Place operated by the Wilberforce Cooper Care Society opened its doors in 1983 as an intermediate care facility

City Centre Care Society is licensed to provide services to 194 residents and tenants in three programs 100 residents in Complex Care 22 residents in the Addiction Recovery Program and 72 residents in Assisted Living Cooper Place houses the Assisted Living Program while Central City Lodge built in 1993 is home to both the Complex Care and the Addiction Recovery Programs
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