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414 Bay Street

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Saint John

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New Brunswick

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Post Code:

E2M 7L4

Phone  :

506 649 2550

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In February 1998 the 100 staff and 48 patients remaining in the 150 year old landmark overlooking the Reversing Falls moved to the modern newly constructed tertiary facility at the Ridgewood site in South Bay Centracare is a 48 million 50 bed facility providing an integral part of an institutionalcommunity continuum of mental health care services

Patient privacy and comfort is emphasized with large and mostly private rooms Natural light is maximized with skylights and windows Courtyards are accessible from the patient units and recreation areas Other features include a chapel meeting room quiet room library family lounge and physician and staff offices
Hospital cleanliness under fire

ST THOMAS St ThomasElgin General Hospital president Paul Collins is apologetic after a former patient went public on national TV with claims his stay at STEGH was unsanitary You really wouldnt believe it unless youve seen it city resident Ken Hough said on the program broadcast this week Hough said he saw dirty bandages and needle covers l... Read More

An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

To help families with the assessment the Alzheimer Society has also produced a new brochure titled Getting A Diagnosis Finding Out If It Is Alzheimer Disease This brochure prepares families for the doctor appointment what to expect questions to ask and information to bring along A diagnosis can be made in a family doctors office a memory clinic ... Read More