Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital

Name :

Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital

Address  :

211 Lake Avenue East

Town  :

Carleton Place

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

K7C 1J4

Phone  :

613 257 2200

Web URL  :


Our Vision
quotThe communities leading partner in the provision of integrated healthcare servicesquot

Our Mission
quotTo provide our patients with a high standard of coordinated efficient medical and surgical care close to homequot

We take pride in being renowned as one of the most efficient hospitals in the province of Ontario and we will make every effort to ensure that our level of service and our commitment to providing quality healthcare to the citizens of our communities will continue

Corporate Value Statement
At Carleton Place Hospital we CARE We will be


Advocates who provide accessible and accountable services

Respectful and supportive of decisions based on the rights of individuals and the range of resources for the communities served

Efficient equitable dedicated to excellence and functioning in a safe environment


The Carleton Place District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary was formed on May 22 1953 two years before the hospital was opened Ninety ladies attended the 1st meeting and elected Mrs Annie Johnston as their first president

Over the years volunteers have given of their time to the Physiotherapy medical records and the Laboratory Department as well as the Information Desk Gift Shop HELPP Lottery and Patient Registration Along with these duties as well as their many fundraisers Roast Beef lunch Tortieres and Ride of Splendor to name a few the volunteers donate an estimated 20000 hours to the Hospital

The role of the Carleton Place District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is always shifting to accomodate the communitys need for a more outpatient facilities and the Auxiliary is pleased to be still active in providing volunteers and equipment to help achieve this goal
Doctors troubled by rise in lung cancer in nonsmokers

Lung cancer remains the single biggest cause of cancer death in Canada accounting for a staggering quarter of all cancer deaths About 85 per cent of those cases can be chalked up to smoking But doctors are noticing a troubling phenomenon that they cant yet fully explain women are dying of lung cancerand more of them have never smoked Faith Cr... Read More

Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

OTTAWAPilots flying in Canadian skies are getting hit with blinding lasers more than ever sparking calls for a crackdown on a problem that experts say threatens passenger safety Nationwide reports of aircraft getting hit with lasers was up dramatically in 2011 to 229 up from 183 in 2010 a 25 per cent jump And the trend shows little sign of abat... Read More