Caritas Health Group

Name :

Caritas Health Group

Address  :

3033 66 Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T6K 4B2

Phone  :

780 735 9000

Web URL  :


About Us
Covenant Health is Canadas largest Catholic provider of healthcare serving 11 communities across Alberta Our facilities provide a range of healthcare services including acute care continuing care assisted living hospice rehabilitation and respite care and seniors housing Serving people of all faiths cultures and circumstances Covenant health builds on a 147year legacy of providing compassionate quality care in Alberta

Our Mission
We are called to continue the healing ministry of Jesus by serving with compassion upholding the sacredness of life in all stages and caring for the whole personbody mind and soul

Our Vision
Covenant Health will positively influence the health of Albertans and be of greater service to those in need by working together with compassion quality and innovation

Our Values
As a Catholic organization we are committed to serving people of all faiths cultures and circumstances according to our values




Social Justice


New hospital planned for Diefenbaker Drive

The planned site for the citys new regional hospital was announced from the sixth floor solarium of the aging Moose Jaw Union Hospital on Friday afternoon The new facility expected to be completed in 2015 will be constructed on a 30acre site in Moose Jaws north end along Diefenbaker Drive just south of the TransCanada Highway Representatives from... Read More

Expat guide to Switzerland health care

No ome wants a medical operation save the attentionseeker with Munchausens syndrome But if you need one Switzerland is as good a place as any Provided you arent paying Switzerlands carefully burnished image of high quality alongside high cost is well preserved within medicine Its hospitals and primary care are first class while overall expenditure... Read More