Capital Regional Hospital District

Name :

Capital Regional Hospital District

Address  :

625 Fisgard Street

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V8W 1R7

Phone  :

250 360 3000

Web URL  :


The principal business activity of the Capital Regional Hospital District CRHD is to provide the local share of capital funding for the Regions health facilities and hospital equipment The Vancouver Island Health Authority VIHA is responsible for the delivery of health care in the Region


The Capital Regional Hospital District was established in 1967 by the Hospital District Act The geographic boundaries of the CRHD contain 49 of the Vancouver Island population and approximately 66 of Vancouver Islands health facility infrastructure

The CRHD typically provides 40 of the capital for health facility development with the Province andor other funding partners providing the balance of funds The majority of funding requests to the CRHD come from the Vancouver Island Health Authority
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