Canadian Mental Health Association - Simon Fraser Branch

Name :

Canadian Mental Health Association - Simon Fraser Branch

Address  :

435 6th Street

Town  :

New Westminster

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V3L 3B1

Phone  :

604 516 8080

Fax  :

604 524 2870

Web URL  :


Our Mission
The Canadian Mental Health Association a nationwide volunteer organization promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness CMHA accomplishes this mission through advocacy education communitybased research and services

We are committed to providing an environment that is free from prejudice discrimination and harassment We strive to reflect the entire community in our volunteers and staff and promote equal access to the services we provide

Our Vision
Mentally healthy people in a healthy society


Established in 1958 The Canadian Mental Health Association Simon Fraser Branch CMHASF has been providing essential social services to persons with mental illness in the Fraser North region which includes New Westminster NW Port Moody Port Coquitlam Coquitlam Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Canada has undergone profound change in the decades since CMHASFs inception yet the need for support and hope persists Mental illness is not contained to specific parts of history it has been experienced by people throughout history everywhere

To meet the needs of the community over the last twenty years our primary focus has been running housing services which is one of the basic needs in assisting a person towards recovery

we started a Rent Supplement Program in partnership with BC Housing in 1989

we became the provider of the Supported Independent Living Program in New Westminster

our organisation changed its name from the New Westminster Branch to the Simon Fraser Branch to match the Simon Fraser Health Region as our services grew and expanded in the health region

we started providing the Youth Semi Independent Living program which is a collaborative project between CMHASF BC Housing Fraser Health and the Ministry of Family Development providing housing and support to enable youth ages sixteen to twentyone with mental illness to live independently in the community

we started the thrift store which provides training for clients and revenue for the Association

we started a Homeless Outreach service in Maple Ridge

we started a seven person transition house in Maple Ridge Shepherd house and a five person transition house in Maple Ridge Riverside House

we started Bounce Back Reclaim Your Health whereby people with mild to moderate depression are referred to our us for treatment

we started to utilise social media establishing a Facebook Twitter and Youtube presence

we held our first annual Miles for Mental Health Run amp Walk

We continue to grow evolve innovate and focus efforts where they are needed most People who experience mental illness or distress are always at the very heart of our work Mental health stigma reduction and awareness is one of the areas we are focusing extra energy in for the coming year We are holding the innovative first annual Miles for Mental Health Walk amp Run on May 7 2011 and we hope you will join us in helping those in need
State is stifling innovation at hospitals healthcare executive

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Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More