Canadian Mental Health Association - Prince George Branch

Name :

Canadian Mental Health Association - Prince George Branch

Address  :

555 George Street

Town  :

Prince George

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V2L 1R8

Phone  :

250 564 8644

Fax  :

250 564 6155

Web URL  :


About Us CMHA Prince George Branch
Did you know that one in four British Columbians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime And many more know someone who is For those affected mental illness can have dramatic impacts on work family personal and social life But just like physical illnesses the more you know about preventing mental illness recognizing symptoms and knowing when and where to go for help the better equipped you are to lead a healthier lifestyle

The Canadian Mental Health Association CMHA Prince George Branch exists to promote the mental health of people living in Prince George and the Northern communities and support the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness

We do this through information resources educational events direct services and research and advocacy We are also one of 20 branches throughout BC who provides services and support

Were part of one of the oldest voluntary organizations in Canada which provides direct service to more than 100000 Canadians through the combined efforts of more than 10000 volunteers and staff across Canada

Together CMHA shares a national vision of quotmentally healthy people in a healthy societyquot

Vision and Mission
Mentally Healthy People in a Healthy Society

The Canadian Mental Health Association CMHA Prince George Branch exists to promote the mental health of individuals living within the Prince George and surrounding area and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness

We believe in

Social justice

Individual and collective responsibility

Access to appropriate and adequate resources and support


Maximum community integration

Working in partnerships

Our Vision
Mental health has the same priority as all other matters in public policy
and in the allocation of resources

There is no longer any societal stigmadiscrimination attached to any form
of mental illness or to those who are living with a mental illness

CMHAs Framework for Support is the accepted guiding model in the
formulation of public policy and the provision of care to all those living
with a mental illness

Communities encourage and support the creation of environments where
nurturing of healthy minds and attitudes is an accepted ongoing priority

Support and assistance is provided in an appropriate dignified and timely
manner to all those who are experiencing or face the prospect of mental

Families and caregivers receive effective support in their important and
difficult roles in the provision of assistance to those in need of mental
health care or help


Prince George History
The Canadian Mental Health Association is one of the oldest national charitable organizations in Canada and the oldest national mental health charity Each year CMHA divisions and branches across Canada provide service to more than 100000 Canadians through the combined efforts of more than 10000 volunteers and staff in locally run organizations in more than 135 communities

CMHA was founded in 1918 by Dr Clarence M Hinks Dr Charles K Clarke and Clifford W Beers as the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene The original goals of the organization centred around war recruits mental examination of postwar immigrants prevention and support for adequate facilities and care for the treatment of mental illness

The Prince George branch of CMHA has been operating and providing services and advocacy for the citizens of Prince George since 1962 In 1981 CMHA Prince George began to provide vocational rehabilitation services to individuals living with a mental illness through our Mary Harper Achievement Centre This Centre now our Connections Clubhouse is run out of a cozy environment and offers a full range of social recreational and vocational services and activities to individuals who have mental health issues In 1985 we began to offer subsidized housing to individuals with mental illnesses and to date this has grown to include 24 subsidized housing units with one group home in operation and 19 single apartments In 1987 CMHA began to provide outreach life skills to individuals living with a mental illness In 1993 we began offering the services of a peer support person who assists individuals living with a mental illness in accessing the resources they need to live as independently as possible Much of our work would not be possible without the financial partnership of BC Housing Management Commission and Northern Health Authority
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