Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region

Name :

Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region

Address  :

Suite 400, 1202 Centre Street SE

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T2G 5A5

Phone  :

403 297 1700

Fax  :

403 270 3066

Web URL  :


About Us
As part of a leading national organization the Canadian Mental Health Association Calgary Region has been at the forefront of mental health for more than 50 years We focus on proactive education around the importance and prevalence of mental health issues and positive ways of managing them including knowing when and where to turn for help

We also provide caring support for those in need through services like assisted living homeless outreach workplace mental health recreation advocacy suicide bereavement support and group supports for children families and individuals As well we work closely with community organizations to bridge gaps in the mental health care system and facilitate access to important services and resources

We lead the way to a better future by fundraising to enhance our programs and improve access to these vital mental health services At the same time we work to enable people in Calgary and area to live better through preventative strategies and mental health innovations focused on balanced living

Our Mission
A leader in reducing the impact of mental disorders and in promoting mental health and wellness through communitybased services

Our Vision
Mentally healthy people in a healthy society

Our Values
We are ACCOUNTABLE for our actions and
middot Use ethical practices
middot Show integrity
middot Demonstrate stewardship of our resources

We have EMPATHY for our clients and
middot Show compassion
middot Are inclusive
middot Are accessible
middot Show respect

We demonstrate LEADERSHIP by
middot Being proactive
middot Being innovative
middot Being advocates

We strive for EXCELLENCE through
middot The quality of our programs and services
middot Commitment to our clients needs
middot Being holistic and balanced in our services

We EMPOWER persons through
middot The programs and services for our clients
middot The training and support of our staff
middot The training support and recognition of our volunteers



The Canadian Mental Health Association CMHA is one of Canadas oldest national voluntary organizations Founded in 1918 by Dr Clare Hincks the organizations goals at the time included fighting mental illness and promoting mental health

The CMHA is the only national voluntary organization that addresses the needs of those with a mental illness the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health Today the Association operates in all the provinces and two territories and includes over 135 local branches and regions

Over 25000 members and volunteers support the activities and programs of the Association throughout Canada These activities range from direct services to individuals with a mental illness and their families through to public education community action and advocacy

The CMHA was established in Calgary in 1955 and is dedicated to promoting mental health and wellness through a comprehensive range of communitybased services for individuals families groups and organizations
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