Canadian Advanced Medical Services International

Name :

Canadian Advanced Medical Services International

Address  :

4531 Emily Carr Drive

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State  :

British Columbia

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Post Code:

V8X 2N5

Phone  :

250 881 3622

Fax  :

250 479 3569

Web URL  :

Email  :


Recognized internationally Canadian Advanced Medical Services International CAMSI represents the best of Canadian skills and quality in the design and management of health care systems and service delivery

CAMSI is a nonprofit network of advanced hospitals medical training centres and government The CAMSI network brings together specialized experts to assist clients worldwide in achieving the best quality practices in project development program design program and operational reviews clinical standards service delivery and training

Highly skilled staff from our member organizations and our ability to access private sector health care expertise enables CAMSI to meet the unique needs of care providers policy developments and health care managers

Providing services internationally since 1995 our clients include health care organizations in countries throughout Asia Europe the Middle East Central and South America
Hospital cleanliness under fire

ST THOMAS St ThomasElgin General Hospital president Paul Collins is apologetic after a former patient went public on national TV with claims his stay at STEGH was unsanitary You really wouldnt believe it unless youve seen it city resident Ken Hough said on the program broadcast this week Hough said he saw dirty bandages and needle covers l... Read More

Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily

At one time or another half the women and a quarter of the men in this country have tried to lose weight The ones destined to try again and again are most likely those looking for shortcuts There are none The only way to step off the diet treadmill is to find a weightloss program that helps you lose weight slowly and steadily one that trains you to... Read More