Campobello Health Centre

Name :

Campobello Health Centre

Address  :

640 Route 774

Town  :


State  :

New Brunswick

Country  :


Post Code:

E5E 1A5

Phone  :

506 752 4100

Web URL  :


Campobello Health Centre has serviced the 1200 residents of Campobello for the past 20 years In addition to primary care services the Centre provides community health education initiatives ExtraMural services are located with the Clinic encouraging close collaboration with the clinic staff The Health Centre operates Monday to Friday during regular business hours with a physician on site three days per week and a Nurse Practitioner five days per week Several health care partners also use the clinic space
State is stifling innovation at hospitals healthcare executive

The head of a controversial executive health clinic made a spirited call Tuesday for more entrepreneurship in Canadian health care charging that central government planning has undercut a storied surgical hospital and saddled Ontario with an inferior telephone healthadvice service Restrictions imposed on Torontos forprofit Shouldice Hospital on... Read More

Equal Rights to Women

The constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity and status to women and men It directs that women shall not only have equal rights and privileges but also directs that the state shall make provisions for the welfare of women In spite of the fact that women in India who constitute nearly half the population are still subjected to variou... Read More