Burquitlam Lions Care Centre

Name :

Burquitlam Lions Care Centre

Address  :

560 Sydney Avenue

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V3K 6A4

Phone  :

604 939 6485

Fax  :

604 939 4728

Web URL  :


To provide a caring environment that inspires meaningful living for elders

We work together professionally and with integrity as a team in an eldercentered community governed by the Eden Alternative Philosophy of Care

We shall provide quality care adopting innovative services in a Campus of Care model that meets the needs of the community through partnerships and progressive leadership









History of Burquitlam Lions Care Centre BLCC
In the year of 1970 the then Reeve of Coquitlam Mayor Jimmy Christmas donated two acres of land to the Burquitlam Lions Club to build a seniors residence In 1970 plans were underway for the building of LJ Christmas Manor on one acre of land which opened in February 1971 Thanks to the Lions Club for their continued visionary planning because in 1980 the plans for the Care Centre took place using the other parcel of land

Burquitlam Lions Care Centre is a nonprofit 76 bed Complex Care Facility which opened on June 15 1981 BLCC is owned and operated by the Burquitlam Care Society and sponsored by the Burquitlam Lions Club The Care Centre is funded by the Ministry of Health under the Fraser Health Authority

Burquitlam Lions Care Centre became a registered Edenized facility in December 2001

Burquitlam Lions Care Centre became Accredited in October 2003
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