Brockville Mental Health Centre

Name :

Brockville Mental Health Centre

Address  :

1804 Highway 2 East

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Post Code:

K6V 5W7

Phone  :

613 345 1461

Fax  :

613 342 6194

Web URL  :

Not Available


The Brockville Mental Health Centre has been providing mental health
treatment to residents of Eastern Ontario since 1894

It is a teaching centre of the University of Ottawa and provides an
integrated approach to advancing the treatment of people with mental
illness research and education

The mental health centre offers both inpatient and outpatient programs
that are designed to meet the treatment needs of people with a serious
mental illness Treatment is tailored to individual needs and is developed
in conjunction with patients and their support system There are currently
200 inpatients and 1100 outpatients receiving active treatment through
the Brockville Mental Health Centre programs and services

The clinical programs at Brockville Mental Health Centre focus on

Acute Psychiatry Elmgrove Service
Assertive Community Treatment Teams
Dual Diagnosis Service
Geriatric Psychiatry Community Outreach Team
Geriatric Psychiatry
Homes for Special Care Program
Integrated Forensic Program which includes the
Secure Treatment Unit
Rehabilitation Service

Clinicians at the Brockville Mental Health Centre work with their
partners throughout the health care system to ensure that patients have
timely access to specialized psychiatric services and that treatment is
tailored to individual patient needs Each program provides services that
may include inpatient outpatient partial hospitalization day hospital
assertive community treatment outreach and psychiatric rehabilitation


History of the Brockville Mental Health Centre
For over 100 years the Brockville Mental Health Centre has been a leader in the development of effective and humane treatments for those affected by mental health issues

Formally known as the Eastern Hospital for the Insane this facility continually broke new ground in mental health therapy to benefit the people it served including specialized training for psychiatric nursing occupationalvocationalrecreational therapy and community outreach programs

Even in its very early days moral or humane therapy was very much in vogue and treatment was marked by an absence of restraint in combination with personal freedom kindness patience as well as systematic recreation amusement and occupation

A few of the therapies used such as continuous bath therapy or flowing baths may seem rudimentary but some treatments from the early 20th century still prove effective today such as the use of lithium salts to treat bipolar disorder

The following outlines just a few of the facilitys many milestones over the past century and illustrates just how far our society and the mental health care system have progressed in the treatment and understanding of mental illness

All comments in quotation marks are taken from the Brockville Psychiatric Hospitals Book of Memories 18842000 a commemorative publication compiled by dedicated staff

Late 1800s
1894 The Brockville Psychiatric Hospital opened as the Eastern Hospital for the Insane on a parklike setting overlooking the St Lawrence River The property measuring 400 by 1127 metres was originally known as Pickens Point and extended from the Grand Trunk Railway on the north to the St Lawrence River to the south

The cafeteria in the existing facility still retains the name Pickens Point and is renowned for the highquality delicious meals offered to staff clients and visitors alike

The hospital building was dominated by a sevenstorey tower 128 feet high and the foundation and detailed features were constructed using blue limestone quarried on the site as well as polished Bay of Fundy granite columns and arches of Gloucester stone from quarries in the Ottawa area

The patient population upon opening consisted of 73 individuals transferred to the site from Mimico Ontario near Orillia

1895 Treatment cottages were built on each side of the main building three to the east for the women three to the west for the men Each cottage has 38 single rooms for patients as well as dormitories day rooms attendants rooms storerooms pantries bathrooms etc At 12 feet wide with 12 foot high ceilings the cottage corridors were large and airy

Early 1900s
1903 The School of Nursing opened with one student who was given a twoyear course in nursing the mentally ill This was one of Ontarios first nursing programs to specialize in psychiatric care Enrollment in the program continued to grow as more hospitals specializing in mental health care opened across the province and the need for qualified nurses grew

1906 Early in the 20th century the patient population expanded to over 800 with as many as 100 patients at work on the grounds daily The facility housed a bakery farm garden and a variety of shops including a butchery bakery tailor and carpenter Patients were active contributors to these endeavors as it was believed that meaningful occupation was an important factor in the successful treatment of disease

1909 In keeping with the moral philosophy of the time the Assembly Hall now known as Centennial Hall was built to accommodate various family activities such as dances concerts church services etc These activities helped to reduce the sense of institutionalization and enrich the quality of life for patients

1910 The Eastern Ontario Lawn Bowling Association was formed and the first tournament was held on hospital grounds Thanks to years of diligent maintenance the tournament site is still used today by patients and local lawn bowling associations

1911 Land purchases allowed the hospital to begin significant farming operations These were fully equipped farms with barns poultry barns milking parlours for the hospitals herd of prize Holsteins horse stables machinery sheds and a number of houses for the farm manager and staff The farm operation was so impressive that it became the host site for the annual International Ploughing Match between 1925 and 1939

1915 In 1915 a Reception Hospital opened to accommodate 30 male and 30 female patients The building had four large verandas where patients could be treated with natures own healers fresh air and sunshine This later became the Mental Health Clinic in 1931 offering traveling clinical services to Brockville Ottawa Cornwall and other areas in southeastern Ontario

1925 The system of hospital treatment expanded to include the use of hydrotherapy electroconvulsive therapy ECT and vocational therapy All of these methods are still used today including electrotherapy with improved application methods which are safe and very effective in the treatment of certain conditions

1929 The Occupational Therapy Department officially opened in the south half of the grounds now known as Centennial Hall where female patients were occupied weaving textiles Male patients spent their occupational therapy time working in more physical hospital industries such as farming renovations and facility maintenance

1931 The Mental Health Clinic opened operating out of the building that now houses the Elmgrove Unit an acute care and crisis outreach crisis program At the time the clinic was completely independent and offered a traveling clinic to serve Brockville Ottawa Cornwall and other Eastern Ontario areas

1932 The hospitals recreation therapy was extended allowing for 100 to 300 patients to take part in entertaining games of soccer softball or badminton during the summer months In winter recreational therapists organized fresh air outings or sleigh rides for patients as an essential benefit to mental health

1938 The patient Canteen was established and continues to operate today Also in the same year the monumental sevenstorey tower was torn down due to safety concerns The services provided for patient care expanded to include onsite dentistry pharmacology Xrays and minor surgical operations

1940s World War II had a serious impact on the hospital The number of patients continued to increase but there was a depletion of staff due to enlistments in the Armed Forces This staff shortage resulted in the extension of staff work weeks from 48 hours to 70 hours to maintain minimum standards of care

1949 Within a few years of the Wars end the Brockville Psychiatric Hospital was home to over 1000 patients approximately 12 doctors and over 200 nursing staff The facility had evolved into a completely selfsufficient operation baking bread growing food producing textiles dairy and meat products as well as maintaining its own grounds

1957 A time capsule in the form of a sealed copper box was placed in the cornerstone of a new addition at the west end of the hospital and remains a buried treasure for future generations The box contained a set of 1957 coins an invitation to the opening ceremony historical sketches copies of speeches a list of distinguished guests as well as other memorable items

1958 The Social Work Department was established eventually playing a leading role in providing a formal educational component to give patients the skills necessary to live more effectively in the community a precursor to todays rehabilitation programs

1959 The Psychology Department was established

As elsewhere the 60s were a decade of change From an initial patient population of 208 the hospital grew to accommodate 1600 patients by the end of the 60s of which over 400 residents were francophone

A number of positive initiatives were initiated to improve quality of life patients participated in the operation of the hospital by working in service areas appropriate to their medical condition and ability recreational facilities expanded to include outdoor skating rinks tennis and volleyball

In addition remotivation or group therapy was introduced to help stimulate greater interest patient surroundings This new approach helped to maintain the high quality of hospital facilities and services and more importantly provide the first vocational rehabilitation program for patients

1960 The Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association opened at Chez Lorraine a donation store allowing patients to obtain used clothing given to hospital Chez Lorraine still operates thanks to patient now more commonly referred to as client volunteers

1961 The Residential Unit opened to accommodate people well enough to enter community life but lacking the necessary family or social supports to do so

1967 The hospital terminated its farming operations and farm staff were reassigned That same year the Rehabilitation Department opened and the Canadian Mental Health Act was passed

1969 Under the new Act the facility was renamed the Brockville Psychiatric Hospital more commonly known simply as BPH

1971 The last class of nurses in the School of Nursing graduated and the courses were transferred to St Lawrence College During its 68 years of operation 654 students including 44 males graduated The same year the operating room closed

1977 A new Physiotherapy Department included a hydrotherapy room with a whirlpool wax baths and hot pack treatment Infrared heat treatment electrical simulation and muscle testing was also done and the treatment room was used for special therapies such as manual manipulations and chest physiotherapy

1978 A medium security forensic unit with 40 beds and a unit for developmentally challenged adults opened

1980 A residential rehabilitation program for individuals suffering from alcoholrelated dependency problems opened

1984 Brockville Psychiatric Hospital became affiliated with the University of Ottawa as an official teaching hospital A patient pub called The Hitching Post opened allowing geriatric patients the opportunity to socialize and enjoy alcoholic beverages under the prescription of a physician the pub was eventually closed in 1997

1985 For the first time patients were allowed to vote in municipal elections

1989 The provinces first Assertive Community Treatment Teams known as ACT Teams were established by a group of Brockville staff after submitting a proposal to the Hospital Incentive Fund a provincial program that encouraged hospitals to develop innovative approaches to health care

The initiative has served as a model for similar programs elsewhere in the province and demonstrates the essential need for and effectiveness of this type of service as a crucial part of the range of community health services

1994 The Deputy Minister of Health attended the Brockville Psychiatric Hospitals 100th anniversary celebration and a major historical display was presented to the public That same year the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce recognized BPH as the Organization of the Year

1999 The Ministry of Implementation Team for Governance was appointed to manage the transfer of governance from BPH to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group

2000 The hospital was officially transferred from the Ontario Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group The hospital started serving the populations of LeedsGrenville south Lanark Stormont Dundas and Glengarry and PrescottRussell count

2006 In recognition of the divestment of all Ontario provincial psychiatric hospitals the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group changed the name of the Brockville Psychiatric Hospital to the Brockville Mental Health Centre as of November 1st

The campus continues to undergo transition but the need for specialized and dedicated mental health remains a priority and a requirement in the mental health care system The prime considerations in patient care from 1894 to the present have remained patient dignity and support for recovery

The size of the Brockville property has decreased to 52 acres and the farm and gardens bakery and butcher shop are no longer operational The current patient population consists of 200 inpatients and 1200 outpatients many of whom at one time required lengthy and intensive hospitalization

The approach to patient care has now shifted from a largely inpatient care model to one where the majority of patients receive treatment in the community This community treatment model was pioneered at the former Brockville Psychiatric Hospital and is now used widely throughout the province and across the country

Though slated for closure in 1999 the ongoing need for mental health services has meant that the Brockville Mental Health Centre continues to operate as an accredited psychiatric teaching facility affiliated with the University of Ottawa and Queens University The campus provides forensic psychiatry treatment for 100 Ontario Correctional inmates and 59 longterm care forensic patients It also provides a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services to approximately 1300 patients in Eastern Ontario
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