Boyle McCauley Health Centre

Name :

Boyle McCauley Health Centre

Address  :

10628 - 96 Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T5H 2J2

Phone  :

780 422 7333

Fax  :

780 422 7343

Web URL  :


The Boyle McCauley Health Centre has been serving the population of the inner city for thirty years and is constantly growing and changing

In 1979 members of our community saw their vision become reality with the opening of the Boyle McCauley Health Centre BMHC To this day BMHC is the only community owned and operated community health centre in the Edmonton area For this we owe a great deal of thanks to the forward thinking individuals who worked together to ensure that health care would be provided in their underserviced communities of Boyle Street McCauley and Norwood and provided in a way that acknowledged the uniqueness and complexity of Edmontons inner city Thirty years later that vision still guides us as we adapt and expand services to reflect the changing needs of our community

Many innovative aspects of the quotcommunity health centrequot model such as the use of NPs alternative payment plans for physicians and the use of interdisciplinary teams are now seen as mainstream in the delivery of primary care The original goal of offering accessible comprehensive culturally sensitive primary care provided by people who are willing to look at the whole person and include that person in decisions about their health care remains relevant both for BMHC and for health care services in general We have been very fortunate over the years to have our vision supported through a strong and vital partnership with the Primary Care Division of Alberta Health Services

We value diversity inclusivity and equity

The operation of the Boyle McCauley Health Centre reflects professionalism accountability and service excellence In collaboration with our community and agency partners and with a commitment to equitable access and innovation we increase the wellbeing of those facing multiple barriers to health care

We define these values as follows

We value the uniqueness dignity and worth of all persons

We commit to alleviating the suffering of others

We actively seek ways to remain responsive to the unique and changing needs of clients

We treat our clients community members volunteers and each other with respect and dignity

The Board and staff uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability so that our actions are responsible and our decisions transparent

Service Excellence
We aim to deliver exceptional programs and services to be a leader in our community and to recognize excellence in our staff and volunteers

We work together in interdisciplinary teams and in partnerships with other community organizations

We are committed to encouraging the participation of individuals and groups facing systemic barriers to health care believing that our programs and services should be available to those struggling to access health services

We are committed to lifelong learning continuous improvement and teaching
SGH misses marks

A crossCanada report on hospital performance indicates Stratford General Hospital was rated quotbelow performance rangequot in 30day mortalities after heart attacks and strokes and 90day readmissions for hip replacement SGH was within the performance range for fiveday inhospital mortalities following major surgery The hospital performed quota... Read More

Weight loss pills are no good

WASHINGTON Weight loss supplements are not really effective in helping you shed weight and may have unpleasant or serious sideeffects Melinda Manore from Oregon State University reviewing evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements concluded that no single product results in significant weight loss and many have sideeffects What peopl... Read More