Bonnyville Health Centre


Name :

Bonnyville Health Centre

Address  :

5001 Lakeshore Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T9N 2J7

Phone  :

780 826 3311

Fax  :

780 826 6526

Web URL  :

Bonnyville Health Centre
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • General Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology Lab
  • Podiatry
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 54


Bonnyville Health Centre
The Bonnyville Health Centre is the focal point for health care in the Lakeland region It not only offers emergency acute and longterm care but is also the Community Cancer Centre and as such offers chemotherapy and other programs from the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton

The Health Centre is also a leader in the practice of palliative care allowing terminally ill patients and their families to selfdetermination regarding the treatment of the patient quotWeve been into the terminology of palliative care for the past four yearsquot said Sister Mary Ellen Palliative care allows the patient to spend as much time as possible in the familiar surroundings of their own home only moving them to the hospital when necessary Even then the family is given as much privacy as possible quotWe have one palliative care suite which offers a room for the family and tries to recreate a homelike atmospherequot said the Sister quotIts equipped with a fridge and microwave so that the family can have privacyquot

Built in 1986 the 54bed Health Centre is served by eight fulltime doctors and a wide range of specialists This team of specialists allows people from throughout the district to come to Bonnyville for medical services they could otherwise only get from making a twohour trip to the nearest metropolitan city
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