Blind River District Health Centre

Name :

Blind River District Health Centre

Address  :

525 Causley Street

Town  :

Blind River

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

P0R 1B0

Phone  :

705 356 2265

Fax  :

705 356 1220

Web URL  :

Blind River District Health Centre


Welcome to the Blind River District Health Centre BRDHC Website We at the Health Centre are proud of the services we provide to the communities along the beautiful North Shore of Lake Huron as well as to the many visitors that holiday in our area

The Health Centre while striving for excellence in the provision of rural healthcare and service delivery remains the hub for healthcare and community services for this region

Blind River is situated on the TransCanada Highway halfway between Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie The open spaces fresh air and the many activities render this area a delight to visit and even more of a privilege to reside in and be part of the community Those of us who live and work in the area benefit from safe rural living and yet we can take advantage of more urban centres a short drive away

Blind River District Health Centre will be recognized for excellence in the provision of rural health care and service delivery in an integrated model

Le Pavillon santeacute du district de Blind River sera reconnu pour lexcellence en prestation de soins et de services de santeacute en milieu rural selon un modegravele inteacutegreacute

To work with our various partners and the community to provide safe progressive and compassionate health care

Nous collaborons avec divers partenaires et la communauteacute afin de fournir des soins de santeacute qui sont seacutecuritaires progressistes et empreints de compassion

We are committed to

Providing care and services in a team environment that reflects dignity
integrity privacy and mutual respect

Collaboration and open communication in the delivery of client and family
focused care

The pursuit of excellence in quality of care through continual improvement
and education

Ensuring financial integrity through effective and accountable utilization of
our resources

Collaborating with the North East Local Health Integration Network and the
Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care along with all partners that assist in
meeting the Health Centres Mission and Vision

Nous nous sommes engageacutes

agrave fournir dans un milieu propice au travail deacutequipe des soins et des
services empreints de digniteacute dinteacutegriteacute le respect de la vie priveacutee et
le respect mutuel

agrave collaborer et agrave communiquer ouvertement pour assurer la prestation de soins
axeacutes sur le client et la famille

agrave poursuivre lexcellence en matiegravere de soins de qualiteacute gracircce agrave
lameacutelioration et agrave leacuteducation continues

agrave assurer linteacutegriteacute financiegravere en utilisant nos ressources de faccedilon
judicieuse et responsable

agrave collaborer avec le Reacuteseau local dinteacutegration des services de santeacute et le
ministegravere de la Santeacute et des Soins de longue dureacutee ainsi quavec tous les
partenaires qui aident agrave concreacutetiser la mission et la vision du Pavillon
santeacute du district de Blind River


The Blind River District Health Centre has been serving the community and surrounding area of Blind River for over 75 years

The Health Centre got its start in 1928 with the opening of the 25 bed Robb Hospital The Provincial Minister of Health Dr J Robb gave his support for the Red Cross Hospital so the hospital was given his name when the dedication took place The facility remained the Robb Hospital until 1940 when the Sisters of St Joseph from Sault Ste Marie took over its administration The hospital was renamed St Josephs General Hospital and retained that name until 1992 With the lumber mills and area uranium mines Blind River was a steadily growing area The hospital saw countless numbers of patients as well as provided obstetric services until the mid 1980s As demand for care and services increased a new wing was constructed in 1955 bringing the total beds to 55

As the building aged it became clear that a new facility was needed in order for the facility to continue providing the same level of care as well as accommodate the expanding services The Urgent Caring Fundraising Campaign was therefore launched in 1987 The original new facility was 66000 square feet with an estimated cost to construct of 183 million The Board of Trustees committed 23 million which meant that the community had to raise 13 million After years of fundraising the new facility was finally completed and the move to the new hospital began on June 20 1992 The old building was put to rest in August 1995

The new bigger building allowed additional services to be provided to the community and the name of the facility was altered to reflect just that In 1992 the name was changed once again to St Josephs Health Centre

The dwindling population of the Sisters of St Joseph caused them to part with their sponsorship of the Health Centre to the Catholic Corporation of Ontario in 1997 A series of meetings and discussions led to a separate incorporation In September 2001 the last Sister of St Joseph to work at the Health Centre Sister Dianne Bottos retired The Blind River District Health Centre came into being as a nondenominational community sponsored organization
New hospital planned for Diefenbaker Drive

The planned site for the citys new regional hospital was announced from the sixth floor solarium of the aging Moose Jaw Union Hospital on Friday afternoon The new facility expected to be completed in 2015 will be constructed on a 30acre site in Moose Jaws north end along Diefenbaker Drive just south of the TransCanada Highway Representatives from... Read More

Take the Sting Out of Shots

ARA Kids hate needles Many adults do too In fact millions of people get extremely anxious when they have to receive a shot because they are afraid it will hurt This fear of getting a shot is a major concern since children need a lot of them They need vaccinations or quotshotsquot to be protect them from dangerous diseases including measles mump... Read More