Bingham Memorial Hospital


Name :

Bingham Memorial Hospital

Address  :

507 Eighth Ave
Box 70

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Post Code:


Phone  :

705 273 2424

Fax  :

705 273 2515

Web URL  :


MICs Bingham Memorial Hospital

Bingham Memorial Hospital situated in the town of Matheson services six communities in the Black RiverMatheson Township

Mathesons first hospital was established in 1921 as the Rosedale War Memorial Hospital by the Womens Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada This group responded primarily to the need for medical attention for obstetrical patients in the area but the hospital provided other services as well

The original facility was operated directly by the Missionary Society until 1942 at which time an Advisory Board of three local citizens was formed

In 1954 a new hospital of 29 beds was constructed on the present site through the very generous support of all the citizens firms and service clubs in the area The new hospital was named after Dr GA Bingham one of Canadas outstanding physicians in the early part of the century

The hospital was incorporated in 1955 and the Missionary Society turned over responsibility to an elected Board of Governors

A major expansion and renovation project was completed in 1989 thanks to the generous support of our communities service clubs and the Ministry of Health amp LongTerm Care
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