Bennett Health Care Centre


Name :

Bennett Health Care Centre

Address  :

1 Princess Anne Drive

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:

L7G 2B8

Phone  :

905 873 0115

Fax  :

905 873 1403

Web URL  :

Bennett Health Care Centre


About Us
The Bennett Health Care Centre is a long term care facility that is home to 66 residents Staff provide loving care in a homelike setting featuring pets plants and a wide array of recreational activities Residents enjoy meals in a lovely solarium overlooking a beautifully landscaped garden courtyard in a quiet rural setting

Located west of Toronto in Georgetown Ontario only ten minutes from the 401 and Trafalgar Road exit the facility lies in a safe residential area that is minutes from downtown Georgetown

Independently operated the Bennett Centre is located adjacent to the Georgetown Hospital Having immediate access to emergency care at the hospital is a great benefit to Bennett residents

Mission amp Philosophy

Mission Statement
quotTo be the community leader in the provision of high quality safe housing long term care and services for seniors and people with special needs in an integrated campus settingquot

Philosophy of Care
We will enhance the quality of life for all our residents in a supportive safe and caring environment because

We believe in the intrinsic worth of individuals and their unique life

We believe in a holistic multidisciplinary approach to the care of long
term care residents including the importance of family and friends

We believe that each resident has the right to be treated with dignity and

We believe in each residents right to privacy and confidentiality

We believe in helping residents achieve an optimal level of function

We believe in each residents right to self determination and education with
respect to their plan of care

We believe that continuous quality improvement is essential in order to
provide high quality safe care and to meet the needs of each resident


Previously operated as a chronic care wing of the Georgetown Hospital and then as a retirement home the Bennett Centre opened as a 65 bed long term care facility in 1999 Its governing board is drawn from the community and runs the center independently of the hospital from which it rents the space

The Bennett is named for Ballinafad residents Stewart and Lettie Bennett past owners of Scotsdale farm north of Georgetown on Trafalgar Road

Stewart Bennett was President of Beardmore Tannery in Acton Vice President of Canada Packers and President of the Royal Winter Fair Following a stroke in 1978 Stewart was impressed with the attention he received at Georgetown Hospital Lettie who drove to his bedside daily for weeks said she came to think of the hospitals wonderful staff as quotfamilyquot Shortly after the Bennetts died within weeks of each other in 1982 delighted hospital officials learned of their generous bequest of 1335000 Concerned that Seniors had to travel outside the community for long term care funds from the bequest were designated to address their needs

The Bennett Centre became independent of the hospital in 1998 but the tradition of familylike care continues
Urine Odor Signals UTI in Infants

Reviewed by Zalman S Agus MD Emeritus Professor Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Dorothy Caputo MA RN BCADM Nurse Planner Badsmelling urine is a good predictor of urinary tract infection UTI in infants better than several other associated predictors researchers found Though malodorous urine did not definitive... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More