Beechy Health Center


Name :

Beechy Health Center

Address  :

226-1st Avenue North
Box 68

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

306 859 2118

Fax  :

306 859 2206

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics


Our Mission
To be responsive and innovative in supporting people and communities in rural Saskatchewan in their pursuit of optimal health

Our Vision
Healthy People Healthy Communities and Service Excellence in an Enduring Health System

Our Values
Recognizing that all people and their needs have

Excellence Pursuing quality in all that we do

Nurturing and honoring relationships to better serve our communities

Reaching out and genuinely caring for others

Demonstrating responsible use and care of the resources entrusted to us
Experimental Bariatric Surgery Controls Blood Sugar in Rodents With Diabetes Via Novel Sensing Signa

A team led by Dr Tony Lam and Dr Danna Breen a post doctoral fellow in the lab of Dr Lam used a rat model to study novel nutrientsensing signals in the jejunum located in the middle of the intestine Dr Lam and his team demonstrate that duodenaljejunal bypass surgery activates novel nutrientsensing signals in the jejunum and rapidly lowers blood sug... Read More

Equal Rights to Women

The constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity and status to women and men It directs that women shall not only have equal rights and privileges but also directs that the state shall make provisions for the welfare of women In spite of the fact that women in India who constitute nearly half the population are still subjected to variou... Read More