BC Medical Services Foundation (B.C.M.S.F.)

Name :

BC Medical Services Foundation (B.C.M.S.F.)

Address  :

555 West Hastings Street
P.O.Box 12132

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V6B 4N6

Phone  :

604 688 2204

Fax  :

604 688 4170

Web URL  :

Not Available


About Us
Vancouver Foundation helps people give back to the communities they care about in a way that is simple convenient and lasting

We are the largest of Canadas 160 community foundations Weve been around since 1943 Our focus is on improving our communities the places where we all live work play and raise our kids The place we call home

Vision amp Values
To create positive and lasting impacts in communities

Living our Mission by
Promoting knowledge networks and philanthropy

Nurturing a strong and sustainable nonprofit sector

Engaging donors in making meaningful investments in their community

Growing endowment funds to invest back into the community Vision

Healthy vibrant and livable communities across British Columbia

Our Vision
Healthy vibrant and livable communities across British Columbia

Core Beliefs
Communities have the right responsibility and potential to address their needs and philanthropy and community foundations can play a powerful supporting role

Communities extend beyond geography to include communities of interests and identity

We are exemplary stewards of charitable resources and prudent stewards of the funds entrusted to our care operating with the highest ethical standards

We are passionate committed leaders working to achieve extraordinary results

We embrace the benefits of diversity and inclusion of all people in organizations and communities


Vancouver Foundation started in 1943 with one person 1000 and a vision Alice MacKay had saved 1000 from her secretarial job and wanted to help homeless women trapped in a cycle of poverty

At the same time local industrialist and philanthropist WJ VanDusen knew the potential of building a permanent endowment that could benefit many charitable activities As Director of the Vancouver Welfare Federation now the United Way of the Lower Mainland and Chair of its Endowment Committee he had studied models of community foundations for several years By 1943 he had overseen the establishment and incorporation of Vancouver Foundation However at the time it was nothing more than a legal entity with virtually no capital

Vancouver Foundation was on its way It was formally established by an Act of the Provincial Legislature the Vancouver Foundation Act in 1950

The original 101000 investment has since grown into almost 700 million the largest community foundation in Canada and one of the largest in North America
North York General Hospital advances patient safety with health IT

General Hospital NYGH is leading an initiative that will help hospitals from across Canada implement technology that improves patient safety The project which received a 1 million investment from Canada Health Infoway Infoway will leverage the investments that NYGH has already made in creating over 350 electronic order sets covering medicine sur... Read More

Hospitals are not like a McDonalds chain

It is not easy to standardise processes in the corporate hospital setup says Mr S Premkumar Group CEO Apollo HospitalsIt requires tremendous investment and years of experience he says More from Mr Premkumar on the broad trends driving the industry There is a crying need for healthcare especially private players But there are only two national hosp... Read More