BC Heart and Stroke Foundation - Prince George

Name :

BC Heart and Stroke Foundation - Prince George

Address  :

106 - 490 Quebec Street

Town  :

Prince George

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V2L 5N5

Phone  :

250 562 8611

Fax  :

250 562 8614

Web URL  :

Not Available
Hospital performance is all over the map

Its long been a truism of the Canadian health care system that where you live determines the kind of care you receive Large hospitals in growing urban centres tend to have more resources and equipment than smaller rural hospitals with remote and ageing populations But a new project tracking the performance of the most of the countrys hospitals ... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

Even as hospitals increasingly adopt cloud computing there are still a lot of hurdles in the way Dr Devi Shetty Chairman and MD Narayana HruduyalayaNH wants to change the dynamics of healthcare in India He is changing the dynamics of hospitals by setting up beds at the lowest cost in as little time as possible To facilitate this NH recently tied... Read More