BC Addiction Information Centre - Kaiser Foundation

Name :

BC Addiction Information Centre - Kaiser Foundation

Address  :

102 - 1590 Bellevue Avenue

Town  :

West Vancouver

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V7V 1A7

Phone  :

604 926 9767

Fax  :

604 904 2277

Web URL  :


Mental health and addictions are complex issues affecting all levels of society The conservative estimated total annual expenditure on mental health and addictions exceeds 70 billion in Canada alone Combined they constitute the largest single cause of morbidity for ages 14 to 45

To date governments fund the vast majority of initiatives addressing mental health and addictions Governments alone cannot solve these problems The Private Sector needs to be actively aware of and involved in helping find solutions to these issues Communitybased programs do exemplary work but need more funding and too rarely have the opportunity to work with and learn from each other

The Kaiser Mission
The Foundations mission lies in the dissemination and application of research innovation and information of best practices with those individuals and groups working in the field to improve the lives of those living with addictions and mental illness


For more than two decades the Kaiser Foundation has been dedicated to helping individuals and communities live healthier and more productive lives by raising awareness and knowledge about addictions and mental health issues

Founded in 1985 the Kaiser Foundation was one of the first organizations in Canada to bring a national perspective and status to this dialogue It has been recognized nationally and internationally for delivering innovative and practical initiatives addressing addiction and mental health as public health issues

The Foundations initial focus was on addiction issues faced by youth and their families Over time the organization broadened developing initiatives and programs aimed at building community capacity and recognizing the success of those active in the field As it became apparent that the issues of addictions and mental health were intertwined the Foundations mandate was expanded to embrace both concerns

In 1988 the Foundation sponsored quotPotential 88quot a symposium on prevention which brought together those in the field for the first time A result of this meeting was the development by the Foundation of Step By Step A Prevention Handbook on Alcohol and Other Drug Use which became mandated as a curriculum resource for public schools in BC for grades K through 12

In 1993 the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse awarded to the Foundation the British Columbia Medallion of Distinction for achievement in substance abuse prevention

The consultation process leading to the report made apparent the need for knowledge transfer to support effective policy and practice and to shape public attitudes The Kaiser Foundation responded by developing an addictions information centre for British Columbia Kaiser became an important supporter and catalyst in creating the Centre for Addictions Research of BC at the University of Victoria Mr Kaiser serves on the Centres Advisory Board

In 2006 the Kaiser Foundation launched the National Awards for Excellence Program in mental health and addictions initiatives The National Awards for Excellence were developed to provide recognition for the excellent work being done at the community level by the many Canadian organizations communities and individuals in the fields of mental health and addictions

Some of the Foundations other projects have included

The Directory of Addiction Services developed in 1987 as the first of its kind in Canada The Directory provided essential information for people in distress who did not know where to turn for help It has been widely emulated across the country

Step By Step A Prevention Handbook on Alcohol and Other Drug Use first produced in 1988 to help administrators teachers parents children and youth It was mandated as a K12 curriculum resource in British Columbia schools

Weaving Threads Together a 2001 report for the British Columbia Government on the future of addiction services in the Province developed by a Foundationled Task Group

Sponsoring and collaborating in numerous symposiums on addictions and mental health involving participants from across the Canada and the United States

Other Kaiser Foundation involvements include

Addictions Research Founding partner and continuing supporter of the Centre for Addictions Research of BC CARBC The Kaiser Foundations body of substance use research is now housed at this centre

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse CCSA is a National Partner of the Foundation and Mr Kaiser is a director of the CCSA

University of British Columbia Institute of Mental Health Mr Kaiser is a member of the Executive Advisory Board

Round Table on Mental Health amp Addictions Mr Kaiser is a former member of this organization and is also the CoChair of the Roundtables CanadaUS Forum on Mental Health and Productivity founded by Canadas Ambassador to the United States Michael Wilson Mr Wilson sits on the Foundations National Advisory Board
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