Barrhead Health Care Centre

Name :

Barrhead Health Care Centre

Address  :

4815 - 51 Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T7N 1M1

Phone  :

780 674 2221

Fax  :

780 674 3541

Web URL  :

  • Chemotherapy
  • General Surgeon
  • Paediatrics
  • Radiation therapy

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


The Barrhead Healthcare Centre offers special care rooms palliative care rooms and labourdelivery rooms Some of the services provided include a community cancer centre an ear nose and throat clinic laboratory outpatient clinics pharmacy rehabilitation XRay and ultrasound
CBCs dirty hospital report sparks changes

A CBC investigation into unsanitary conditions at the nations hospitals has sparked a change in policy by Canadas biggest health authority and a flood of email messages from concerned viewers With hidden cameras including Canadas first hidden camera glowgel test the consumer show Marketplace visited several hospitals in Ontario and British Colum... Read More

Equal Rights to Women

The constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity and status to women and men It directs that women shall not only have equal rights and privileges but also directs that the state shall make provisions for the welfare of women In spite of the fact that women in India who constitute nearly half the population are still subjected to variou... Read More