Alzheimer Society of B.C

Name :

Alzheimer Society of B.C

Address  :

300-828 West 8th Avenue

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V5Z 1E2

Phone  :

604 681 6530

Fax  :

604 669 6907

Web URL  :


About Us
The Alzheimer Society of BC established in 1981 is dedicated to helping anyone concerned with or facing dementia have the confidence and skills to maintain quality of life to ensuring that public policy and perceptions reflect the issues and reality and to securing funding for support and research

The Alzheimer Society of BC is the leading source of education and support in BC for people impacted by dementia through resource centres located around the province

A federation of 10 provinciallyfocused organizations the Alzheimer Society in Canada is the leading nationwide health organization for people affected by Alzheimers disease and related dementias in Canada

The Society is a principal funder of Alzheimer research and training provides enhanced care and support to people with the disease their families and their caregivers and is a prominent voice within all levels of government

Our Mission
The Alzheimer Society of BC exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimers disease and related dementias to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures

Our Vision
Our ultimate vision is to create a world without Alzheimers disease and related dementias

Our Core Values
Core values are those fundamental values that we consider necessary to be held nurtured and developed by the members employees directors and volunteers of our organization in order to be effective in achieving our goals

Accountability and Transparency We measure our performance and follow a
process of continuous improvement We are wholly accountable for our actions
and must account to our stakeholders for our use of the financial and human
resources available to us

Compassion We provide caring and supportive assistance that recognizes and
responds to the need for information comfort and hope for the people we
serve We consider those individuals with Alzheimers disease and related
dementias and their families and caregivers to be our first responsibility
and our primary focus

Integrity and Respect We set for ourselves the highest and most exacting
standards of honesty trustworthiness and professional integrity in all
aspects of our organization and carry out our work with the utmost respect
for the dignity and the rights of the people we serve

Leadership We seek to bring progressive and creative ideas to all aspects
of our organization and provide resources and support to enable those
affected by Alzheimers disease and related dementia to enhance their
quality of life

Teamwork We work together to achieve our goals and ensure that our
volunteers and staff are representative of the many communities we serve
Our volunteers are the key to delivering the most personal and responsive
service possible through their commitment generosity service and


Our History
For more than 25 years the Alzheimer Society of BC has played an important role in the lives of people with Alzheimers disease and other types of dementia their families and caregivers

In 1981 a group of caregivers gathered to discuss the challenges of caring for a person diagnosed with Alzheimers disease Out of their compassion and determination the Alzheimer Society of BC was ultimately founded

From those humble roots in a North Vancouver home the Alzheimer Society has grown tremendously over the years and blossomed into an organization active in communities across the province

Staying true to its goals the Alzheimer Society continues to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow to those whose lives have been impacted by dementia
Hospital earns AAHA accreditation

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Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

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