Akisqnuk Health Resource Centre

Name :

Akisqnuk Health Resource Centre

Address  :

PO Box 187

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V0B 2L0

Phone  :

1 250 342 6379

Fax  :

1 250 342 6279

Web URL  :


The akisqnuk Health Resource Centre opened in 1998 It is located by the akisqnuk First Nations Band Office in Windermere British Columbia Its purpose is to provide health services to the KtunaxaKinbasket Nation

The vision of the Health Centre is for a space that would impart an emotive response of holistic health a feeling of calm grounding and connectedness to nature earth and sky To this end the building is circular in design and straw bale construction was used

The Health Centre currently houses a community health nurse a community health advocate a community healing coordinator a social worker and a family councillor social development worker early intervention worker doctor 4 hours a week Home and community care aides KtunaxaKinbasket Child and Family supervisor and a part time support worker The focus is on community development using a population health model The health and social staff work closely as a team and also work closely with band office departments such as social housing and education Community members including elders play an important part in planning programs and a Healthy Community Team meets monthly to explore and address community issues

A variety of programs are available to all age groups and emphasis is placed on culture and language celebration and accomplishment

The Health Resource Centre now focuses on the communities of Akisqnuk and Shuswap and off reserve aboriginals It also offers models of programming to other communities within the Nation
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