Adanac Park Lodge

Name :

Adanac Park Lodge

Address  :

851 Boundary Road

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

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Post Code:

V5K 4T2

Phone  :

604 299 7567

Fax  :

604 299 7424

Web URL  :

Adanac Park Lodge


Opened in March 2000 residents love this spacious 72 bed multilevel care facility As you enter the facility you see and feel its charm immediately

Adanac Park Lodge consists of four self contained areas and a special care unit This facility is state of the art and includes everything residents want and need to feel right at home Each area has 16 private resident rooms areas for dining and activities a lounge a bathing centre and a care centre Each of the resident rooms are furnished with a bed night table dresser and wardrobe closet has a memory display box and a washroom Within each area there is also a double occupancy room

The entrance has a high ceiling with a staircase leading to the 2nd floor and combines the elements of a modern hotel with the subtle charm of a country home The main lounge kitchen and smoking rooms are centrally located on the main floor Reception and administrative offices are at the front entrance area There is one resident elevator and one service elevator The floors are carpeted and the ambience is warm and homelike

The second floor has a recreation area and a partially enclosed patio The lower level includes rooms for laundry maintenance food storage staff lounge and a 27 car secured parkade
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