A Loving Spoonful

Name :

A Loving Spoonful

Address  :

Suite 100, 1300 Richards Street

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V6B 3G6

Phone  :

604 682 6325

Fax  :

604 682 6327

Web URL  :


About Us
A Loving Spoonful is a volunteerdriven nonpartisan Society that provides free nutritious meals to people living with HIVAIDS in Greater Vancouver

Every week all year round for over 19 years our volunteers deliver approximately 1200 frozen meals and over 250 snack packs to men women and children who are primarily homebound with AIDS Our average meal cost is only 350 A Loving Spoonful is the constant support of over 250 adults and children living with HIVAIDS throughout the Greater Vancouver area

Our mission is to make sure that no one living with AIDS lives with hunger Achieving our mission requires the loving coordinated effort of a community of volunteers staff donors and supporters It is through this dedicated support that A Loving Spoonful has been able to provide our services free of charge for almost twenty years

Facts amp FAQs
The challenges of HIVAIDS are many our vision but one to enhance the quality of life of men women and children living with HIV by meeting their basic need for food

Our mission is simple A Loving Spoonful is a volunteerdriven nonpartisan society that provides free nutritious meals to people living with HIV in the Greater Vancouver area

Our belief is by meeting this fundamental need we improve our clients health and well being enabling them to focus on lifes other challenges

A Loving Spoonful delivers 100000 free nutritious meals to men women and children living with HIV and AIDS in the Greater Vancouver Area

The average daily cost for each meal is 350

A Loving Spoonful is a volunteerdriven charity that boasts over 150 active
volunteers four fulltime staff and two parttime staff

The charity operates under the mission statement that no one living with
AIDS should live with hunger

As many of 80 of AIDS deaths are immediately precipitated by malnutrition
rather than by the disease itself Unfortunately some people who are HIV
or who have developed AIDS lack the physical endurance or resources to
properly feed themselves

There are many ways to help A Loving Spoonful You can volunteer your time
donate funds or donate gifts in kind Display our Make A Dish Come True
coin canister in your business A Loving Spoonful also produces two major
inhouse fundraising events each year for which we require sponsorship
prizes and silent auction items Please consider contributing to Project
Empty Bowl or the World AIDS Day Luncheon

A Loving Spoonful receives 77 of its funding from private donations and
grants rather than government funding

A Loving Spoonful spends 8 of all revenues on salaries and other costs to
raise those dollars

Administration costs account for 9 of total expenses per year

Service and program delivery accounts for 83 of A Loving Spoonfuls budget


A Loving Spoonful started in 1989 sprung from nothing more than Easter Armass determination that no one living with AIDS should live with hunger She saw an acquaintance of hers a brilliant lawyer who had lost his job because he was HIVpositive eating from a dumpster She was devastated

November 19 1989 marked the first of many Easters Sundays monthly dinners held at McLaren House for people living with HIVAIDS Each meal was lovingly prepared by volunteers and there was often entertainment Easters Sundays aimed to diminish the isolation felt by people with AIDS by providing food community and comfort From the determination of one woman and her tireless friends the Vancouver Meals Society was born It was the first meal program in Canada to provide free meals for people living with HIVAIDS They had five clients

In 1994 the Vancouver Meals Society was renamed A Loving Spoonful Our clients now include more than 250 adults and children in Greater Vancouver
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