River Ridge East Birth Centre


Name :

River Ridge East Birth Centre

Address  :

35 Von Tempsky Street
Hamilton East

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Phone  :

07 839 0425

Fax  :

07 839 0419

Web URL  :


I was educated in a Steiner school in Amsterdam and trained as a nurse in an Antrophosophical hospital in Holland I think Antrophosophy should be visible in the world in healthcare in education in agriculture and influence the way we approach daily life Antrophosophical ideas must be able to adapt to the circumstances and environment in which we live and work So my endeavour is to provide a maternity service in the mainstream environment influenced by the ideas of Rudolf Steiner

Arriving from Europe 27 years ago I observed the maternity system in New Zealand and experienced its many facets while working in various settings in the Waikato Having an open mind and with a background of the Dutch maternity system I looked for ways in which the provision of maternity services could be improved for women and new born babies

Home birth was not a viable option for many women but equally the technically orientated secondary care hospital is not the ideal place for normal birthing Although I worked as a domiciliary midwife home birth was often one step too far as there is not enough support for the new mother at home

I wanted a safe environment in which to receive babies into this world and holistic support to ease their mothers into motherhood Creating a supportive working environment for midwives was also important where they have the chance to extend their knowledge and the art of midwifery
How River Ridge East Birth Centre started

The health reforms initiated by the new National Government in 1992 gave the opportunity for new initiatives in the provision of health care to be proposed After submitting many proposals for a primary birthing centre and services to the Midland Regional Health Authority a contract was finally signed in 1995 At River Ridge Birth Centre a unique chance was offered to demonstrate that excellent maternity care can be provided free to women in a private facility on the funding paid by the Government

An unused wing of Southern Cross Hospital in Hamilton East was renovated and adapted for this new venture River Ridge Birth Centre operated in these premises for 5 years establishing an excellent reputation and the demand for this service in the community

From the start River Ridge Birth Centre was a midwife initiative Midwives were involved in all aspects of planning setting up the facility organizing staffing and administration systems and operation of the facility

On termination of the lease by Southern Cross Hospital the search was on for suitable locations for a new facility and a site was found for River Ridge East Birth Centre in Von Tempsky Street Hamilton East
River Ridge East Birth Centre

River Ridge East Birth Centre opened at Christmas 2002 The new building reflects a welcoming multicultural friendly environment There are 4 birth rooms and 12 postnatal rooms with en suites Over 70 Lead Maternity Carer LMC midwives have access agreements to use the facility and there are 30 mostly part time staff midwives and support staff Many complimentary services are provided in the facility including antenatal and postnatal classes breast feeding centre for advice and support to promote longterm breastfeeding consultant paediatric service ozone treatment newborn hearing screening and administrative support for LMC midwives

There has been steady growth in the demand for primary birthing in Hamilton In 2009 River Ridge East Birth Centre provided for over 1300 postnatal stays and approximately 600 primary births River Ridge East Birth Centre aims to be innovative meeting the maternity needs in the community and providing a supportive working environment for LMCs and staff midwives

Working with an anthrophosophical impulse in a mainstream health service environment

Our aim is to offer excellence in maternity care within the Ministry of Health funding constraints so that the service provided is free to women The regulatory requirements for a birth centre are just as strict as for a public hospital Health and Disability Sector Standards have to be met and are regularly audited Infection Control Health and Safety and practice guidelines from the District Health Board are monitored for compliance

River Ridge East Birth Centre provides a maternity service for everyone The welcoming environment for the newborn child is made available to all Access to River Ridge East Birth Centre is for women who are having normal births from the wider Waikato area Postnatal care is also provided to women who have delivered in a secondary hospital including those who have had a caesarian section Our clientele is truly multicultural and from all sectors of society

At River Ridge East Birth Centre we are trying to demonstrate that an antroposophical impulse can be accessible relevant and not exclusive and rarefied The impulse defines the quality of care and is a continually evolving process Inspired by this spiritual view of mankind we must remain grounded in the real world and there try to make a difference
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