Reid Hosp & Hlth Care Services

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Reid Hosp & Hlth Care Services

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1100 Reid Parkway

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765 983 3000

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Wholeness in body mind and spirit is basic to fulfillment of human potential Reid Hospital amp Health Care Services and its people work with others to enhance wholeness for all those we serve

Our convictions include commitment to




These convictions are expressed daily through CARE principles the active demonstration of





Reid History
For a video highlighting the first 100 years of Reid Hospital history

Reid Hospital amp Health Care Services opened as Reid Memorial Hospital in 1905 Daniel G Reid an industrialist whose wealth came from tin plating railroads and steel financed the construction

Reid originally from Richmond was living in New York when he learned of the need to replace St Stephens Hospital which had only 10 beds and was turning away about 50 patients a week William B Leeds Reids partner in business ventures and also a former Richmond resident contributed 10000 An additional 10000 was donated from the estate of Robert Morrison and 5000 from James M Starrs estate Reid contributed the balance about 130000

The hospital name was in memory of Reids wife Ella and their son Frank who both died before the turn of the century The cornerstone was laid in September 1904 and Reid Memorial was dedicated July 27 1905
Canberra mental health unit best in Australia

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Expat guide to Switzerland health care

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