Glen Osmond Surgicentre

Name :

Glen Osmond Surgicentre

Address  :

45 Glen Osmond Rd

Town  :


State  :

South Australia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

08 8271 5888

Fax  :

08 8271 1977

Web URL  :


A Centre of Excellence for Cataract Surgery The Glen Osmond Surgicentre is a Day Surgery Facility dedicated to the provision of modern Cataract Surgery Because of the special focus on this type of surgery it is possible to offer a unique blend of sophisticated technology and personalised care The staff at the Glen Osmond Surgicentre are able to help each patient to have cataract surgery in an environment which will minimise the stress of the procedure

They understand how important eyesight is to every person and are especially willing to assist with answers to questions and advice on all aspects of the operation This booklet will provide information about the Glen Osmond Surgicentre and many aspects of modern small incision cataract surgery

Birth complications higher in mentally ill

PREGNANT women with serious mental illnesses are more likely to experience antenatal and birth complications researchers have found Women with schizophrenia bipolar disorder and other serious mental illnesses had higherrisk pregnancies more complicated deliveries and their babies were more likely to need special care the study showed A team f... Read More

Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

OTTAWAPilots flying in Canadian skies are getting hit with blinding lasers more than ever sparking calls for a crackdown on a problem that experts say threatens passenger safety Nationwide reports of aircraft getting hit with lasers was up dramatically in 2011 to 229 up from 183 in 2010 a 25 per cent jump And the trend shows little sign of abat... Read More